A. All boats are to be at the dock at 3:00 pm for weighing in of the fish.
B. All boats are to weigh only six fish.
C. Captains are asked to carry a digital scale in their boat in order to cull their fish.
D. Culling your fish on the lake is a good live release method, as fish don't undergo the stress of being in a cooler.
E. Rock bass are not brought to the dock.
F. Only ONE boat is allowed inside the ropes area at a time of weighing.
G. We ask that all lake trout are brought alive, but in the past we have weighed some that die (if this happens to you, we will allow you to take it home). We have lost 3 fish in 7 years.
H. We feel any walleye over 8 lbs is a trophy fish and will be given extra consideration to the angler who wishes to have it mounted. (We ask to verify it is mounted).
I. Fish within the slot size will not be weighed.
J. Please read your copy of the Temagami fishing regulations.